
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Big List of Free Pumpkin Patterns

I love carving pumpkins, but somehow mine always turn out a little busted!  Check out this great list of pumpkin carving patterns.
You can also visit the Nestle Juicy Juice site for some helpful tips on carving your Pumpkin HERE.
Martha Stewart – 46 different templates from Martha.
Better Homes & Gardens – animals, spooky scenes, faces and more.

Hershey’s – A variety of templates categorized by difficulty level.

Pumpkin Masters – Four free patterns – A unique collection of easy and advanced stencils.

Betty Crocker Templates – Monster Cereal characters – Count Chocula,  Franken Berry 

Reader’s Digest – 12 basic patterns
Disney Family Fun- Family friendly patterns

HGTV (Beginner) - 8 beginner templates

HGTV (Advanced) - 11 advanced carving templates

Nick Jr.- Pablo & Uniqua from Backyardigans- (-Thanks Allison!)


  1. Wow, what a great list of freebies! I tweeted about it, too.

    Tracy Screaming Sardine

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