
Monday, August 22, 2011

Twine and Tack Pomander Balls

I've been totally digging the pomander balls lately, but didn't want to go out and buy them.  So I found two tutorials that were great, LandeeSeeLandeeDo and BlueCricketDesigns.  I started with these items:
 Thumb tacks, 2" and 3" foam balls, and three types of twine.
You could use some funky yarn, beads, paint, dried beans, ping pong balls, or whiffle balls.
(I needed about 400 thumb tacks for a 3" and 2" ball)

All of the twine balls were wrapped the same way.  I started by placing a knot at the end of the twine.  I pushed the twine down to make it level with the ball.  Then put hot glue down and placed the knot back into the hole.  
Next, I started wrapping and gluing the twine down.

 Here's how it looked with the larger twine.  It's a little bit harder with the stiffer fatter twine, but it's possible.
 Here, I took two twines and twisted them together to create a really cool design.
To start the thumb tack version, follow the line that is already on some styrofoam balls, or draw one around the center.  That way you create a streamlined seam. Continue adding them all the way around allowing the edges to overlap a small amount.  This will help keep your thumb tacks stay put.  The last few, I added a little hot glue to help them hold better.

This one, I decided to braid the twine.  I started out with three REALLY long pieces and tried to braid them, but the ends kept getting all tangled.  So, I decided to cut it off and do shorter braids.  Then just stuck the knot in hot glue and pushed it to the level of the ball.

 Here's how they looked when finished.

I'm going to add a 3" thumb tack ball, but I ran out of tacks while creating it.  Off to the store for me!

Make sure to check out all of my other tutorials here, and follow me onTwitter and Facebook!


  1. Thank you! I love these balls, but not the price tag. I never thought to make my own. It looks so simple.

  2. What a great idea! We would love to have you link these up at our link party, Crafty Lassie Tuesday! We are having a give away too!
    :0) Heather & Rose

  3. Those look awesome! Great job. I don't think I'd be able to get mine as straight as those. lol.

  4. Oooh these are just lovely. Have you tried making monkey fist rope balls HERE. They would look great with your balls!
    Visiting from Not just a housewife and now a follower of your blog!

  5. Great job! I would be so happy if you shared this project on my Inspiration Board {link party}. I know my readers would really enjoy it.
    Hope to see you there.
    carolyn | homework

  6. what a fun combination they look awesome. Great job. I would love for you to hop on over and link this up to my party if you would like :)

    A mommy's life...with a touch of YELLOW

  7. Tee Hee...I just bought some of those big thumbtacks and now I know what to do with them! Great post, thanks!

  8. These are great! And they're so versatile, you can do them up for any season especially Christmas! I love it!


  9. I love the thumbtack ball, very cool. I'm going to have to add a couple of those to my bowl of balls.

    Kimberly @ The brown eyes have it
