Monday, November 22, 2010

Manic Monday Recipe~ Enchiladas, Rice and Beans!

This is one of our favorite family dinners, I make it about every two weeks.  It's great for leftovers, and it is very filling.  I use the recipe off of the can of enchilada sauce, but of course I make some changes, because I love adding more to it!
Here is my recipe, I use the Old El Paso Enchilada Sauce and the recipe is on the back of the can.

Ingredients for Enchiladas:
1.5 lbs of Cooked Chicken
2 19oz. Cans of Enchilada Sauce
2 C. of Mexican Cheese
1 pkg. of Flour Tortillas
2-3 T. Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 T. Fresh or Dried chopped Cilantro

1.)  Cook the chicken thoroughly in olive oil.  Salt and pepper the chicken.  Then drain and chop into small chunks.  Sometimes I put it through the food processor, do whatever you'd like, it's easier to put it in the food processor, but then more to clean up!

2.) Mix the chopped chicken with 1 1/2 C. of the cheese, cilantro and one and one half can of enchilada sauce. 
3.) Then spoon the mixture onto the middle of one of your tortillas.  Follow the pictures on how to fold the enchiladas. **Please excuse my nail polish, it was a rough week ;)**

 4.) Then place the enchiladas in a greased 13x9 pan and pour the rest of the enchilada sauce on them.  Then sprinkle with the remaining cheese. 
 5.) Cover and bake at 375 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

As a side dish, I make rice and refried beans. 

Rice Ingredients:
2 C. Brown Rice (Here's where I sneak in some healthy food, you can use white rice if you prefer.)

2 Cans of Stewed Tomatoes (Puree them in a blender with a small amount of the juice)
1 1/2 C. Chicken Broth (Rather than water I use Chicken broth to add flavor)
2 T. Fresh or Dried Chopped Cilantro
2 tsp. Chopped Garlic
2 T. Olive Oil
1/2 Medium Red Onion Chopped

1.) In a frying pan, on high heat, brown the olive oil, onions, garlic, and cilantro.  When the mixture gets warm, add the rice and brown for a few minutes. 
2.) Once the rice has browned, add the chicken broth and pureed tomatoes. Stir and put the cover on.
3.) Turn the heat down to a low simmer, and leave the rice alone!  It will finish cooking in about 10-15 minutes.  All of the liquid should evaporate.  If you stir while it's still cooking, it will get mushy!
This recipe was shared by a wonderful person named Leslie!

I hope your family enjoys this recipe as much as mine does!


My Favorites